for a Google map to various reunion
locations. Yes, it’s Randy’s map from the 25th But this stuff
doesn’t move around much… More detailed maps
with some pictures of landmarks and driving directions, are Map1
and Map2
Camps 30th –Year To all Carbide campers and staff, It’s the BIG 30th!
The reunion commemorates the 30th year since the Blue Creek camps Events will take place during the three-day weekend of Yes, 30 years ago, some of us would be starting to think about packing up for two weeks on the Creek and all the activities and friends that made Summer so special. Just a few years before that, some would have been headed for Coal River, the twin swinging bridges, Cabin Row and the magical self-lighting campfire. Now, we return not only to our memories of the camps, but also to the very present friendships and sharing that make camping, and Carbide, and West Virginia unforgettable – make it essential to explaining why we are who we are, and who we are yet to be. Our past meetings -- even the small annual mini-reunions -- have served to “tend the flame”. We’ve preserved the Camps’ themes of Native American and Arthurian values of interdependency and teamwork, of rules and reason, of work and play. We’ve recognized their importance as part and parcel of that thin veneer of civilization we stretch over the chaos. These heavy concepts were transferred to us relatively painlessly, in a couple of weeks each Summer. Every camper we encounter expresses the belief that those positive lessons persist in us today and in our children for the future. Join your reunion committee and fellow campers in and
on the Creek to remember and refresh the Carbide Camping spirit! Remember the wings, castles, hootenannies, sign raids, Early-morning
wake up raids and dances … and exploding beans! Surprise
souvenirs – mementos – ceremonies! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Events: Friday Evening, July
13 Yes, we have 30th-year commemorative T-shirts available for pre-order. There are shirts for all three camps! You need to order shirts, either for shipment or for pick-up at the reunion, by June 20. To
the FOP: For
directions to the Lodge, visit: From
I-64 and turn
right onto Woodrum's Lane. Go 1/4 mile to FOP on the right. There
should be signs posted. You
can also take WV 62 at the intersection in Saturday, July
14 Please note: The route to the Hunting / Fishing Club and the camp
sites requires travel on dirt roads with multiple stream crossings. The camp
sites are more than 1/2 hour from the nearest help. Some Saturday events are
held in undeveloped areas where cell-phone and emergency services are not
immediately available. Guests should plan to bring appropriate vehicles,
optional overnight camping and hiking gear, and any medications or other
immediate needs. Overnight Camping is at your own
risk. Everyone should always be alert to avoid accidents and to help
others." To Blue Creek: Meet at the Carbide Hunting and Fishing Lodge
around [ Camps crafts revival - Lanyards! Placement / Unveiling of Camps Memorial Plaques Ceremonial ringing of the Camelot Bell. “Exploding Beans”, probably. Ghost stories certainly! Sunday, July 15 (New Location due to storm damage at For a map, see |